Donor Recognitions
Lifetime Giving

Carnegie Founders Society
When Andrew Carnegie made his original $10 million gift, he did so with the audacious goal of establishing an independent research organization that would increase scientific knowledge for the improvement of humankind. Likewise, members of the Carnegie Founders Society are visionaries who—through their generosity and entrepreneurial spirit—lay the foundations for innovation, ingenuity, and intellectual courage to thrive. With lifetime contributions of $10 million or more, these individuals have empowered Carnegie investigators to pursue the most profound challenges in modern science and truly transform our relationship to the universe and world around us.
Caryl P. Haskins*
William R. Hewlett*
George P. Mitchell*

Edwin Hubble Society
Science often requires years of hard work and dedication before major discoveries can be made, and Edwin Hubble Society members make the critical investments that allow our researchers to take calculated risks in pursuit of new knowledge. Carnegie scientist Edwin Hubble, the most famous astronomer of the 20th century, shattered our old concept of cosmology by observing that the universe is vastly larger than we thought and is, in fact, expanding. We are proud to honor the members of the Edwin Hubble Society, who have fostered such extended, paradigm-changing research through their lifetime contributions of $1,000,000 - $9,999,999.
Anonymous (2)
D. Euan and Angelica Baird
Michael A. Duffy~
William H. Gates III
William* and Cynthia Gayden
Michael* and Mary Gellert
Robert G.* and Alexandra C. Goelet
William T. Golden*
Crawford and Margaretta Greenewalt*
David and Charlotte Greenewalt*
Robert and Margaret Hazen
Margaret and Will Hearst
Richard E. Heckert*
Kazuo* and Asako Inamori
Burton* and Deedee McMurtry
Jaylee and Gilbert Mead*
Cary Queen
Deborah Rose, Ph.D.
William J. Rutter
David and Catherine Thompson~
Thomas* and Mary Urban
Dr. Nathalie Valette-Silver*
Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr.*
Michael G. & C. Jane Wilson
~New Member

Vannevar Bush Society
Vannevar Bush, the renowned leader of American scientific research of his time, served as Carnegie's president from 1939 to 1956. Bush believed in the power of private organizations and the conviction that it is good for humans to know. The Vannevar Bush Society recognizes those who have made lifetime contributions of $100,000 - $999,999.
Anonymous (5)
Philip H. Abelson*
Bruce and Betty Alberts
Mary Anne Nyburg Baker and G. Leonard Baker, Jr.
Craig and Barbara Barrett
Daniel Belin and Kate Ganz
Bradley F. Bennett*
Didier and Brigitte Berthelemot
David P. Brown*
Donald and Linda Brown
Richard Buynitzky*
A. James Clark*
Tom and Anne Cori
John Crawford
H. Clark and Eleanora K. Dalton*
John Diebold*
Jean and Leslie Douglas*
Herbert A. Dropkin*
James Ebert*
Jo Ann Eder
Bruce W. Ferguson and Heather R. Sandiford
Stephen and Janelle Fodor
Karen Fries and Richard Tait
Martin and Jacqueline Gellert
Sibyl R. Golden*
Diane Greene and Mendel Rosenblum
Gary K.* and Cary S. Hart
Henrietta W. Hollaender*
Virginia Johns~
Antonia Ax:son Johnson and Goran Ennerfelt
Paul A. Johnson*
Paul and Carolyn Kokulis
Douglas E. Koshland
Gerald D. and Doris* Laubach
Gilbert and Karen Levin*~
Lawrence H. Linden
Michael T. Long
John D. Macomber
Christopher* and Lois Madison
Steven L. McKnight
Richard A. and Martha R. Meserve
Martin and Jacqueline Gellert
J. Irwin Miller*
Al* and Honey Nashman
Charles J. and Virginia E. Peterson
Alexander Pogo*
Elizabeth M. Ramsey*
Ray and Meredith Rothrock
Vera and Robert Rubin*
Allan R. Sandage*
Leonard Searle*
Maxine and Daniel Singer
Allan Spradling and Edie Stern
Frank N. Stanton*
Christopher Stone
Dawn Taylor
Michael W. Thacher and Rhonda L. Rundle~
Tommy Tse
William* and Nancy Turner
Marshall and Deborah Wais
Matthew Weitzman~
Anthony and Susan Wood
Laure Woods
~New Member

Second Century Legacy Society
The Second Century Legacy Society recognizes individuals who make special commitments to Carnegie Science in support of scientific research and discovery through their wills, living trusts, estate plans, and other forms of planned giving. Members of the Society carry on the vital tradition of philanthropy upon which Carnegie Science was founded, ensuring that throughout Carnegie’s next 100 years, we have the resources to broaden scientific knowledge and cultivate future generations of leading scientists. Through planned gifts, members meet their charitable and financial goals while creating legacies that support the research areas most important to them. We gratefully acknowledge these dedicated supporters, whose impact will be felt in tomorrow’s research advances.
Anonymous (4)
Philip H. Abelson*
Paul A. Armond, Jr.
Liselotte Beach*
Bradley F. Bennett*
Francis R. Boyd, Jr.*
Lou and Lore Brown*
Gordon and Cynthia Burley*
Sigrid Burton and Max Brennan
Richard Buynitzky*
Eleanor Gish Crow*
H. Clark and Eleanora K. Dalton*
Hugh H. Darby*
Herbert A. Dropkin*
Jo Ann Eder
Susan Farkas
Nina V. Fedoroff
Raymond C. Fletcher
Julie D. Forbush*
William T. Golden*
Crawford H. Greenewalt*
Margaretta Greenewalt*
David C. Hardy
Mrs. P. Edgar Hare
Gary K.* and Cary S. Hart
Caryl P. Haskins*
Robert and Margaret Hazen
Richard E. Heckert*
Henrietta W. Hollaender*
Neil Hurwitz
Paul A. Johnson*
Paul and Carolyn Kokulis
Mary G. Laufenberg
Nancy Lee
Gilbert and Karen Levin*
Barbara C. Martin
Al* and Honey Nashman
Charles J. and Virginia E. Peterson
Alexander Pogo*
Elizabeth M. Ramsey*
Holly M. Ruess
Allan R. Sandage*
Frederick Schwarzenbach and Leslie Prussia
Ron Scott~
Leonard Searle*
Maxine and Daniel Singer
Frank N. Stanton*
Fay M. Stetzer*
John R. Thomas, Ph.D.
Ian Thompson
Hatim A. Tyabji
William M. White
Robert and Roberta Young
~New Member
Annual Giving
(Gifts received between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022)

Carnegie Champions
Carnegie Champions are donors who contribute $10,000 or more annually to the Institution within the fiscal year. Members of this special community enhance the work of Carnegie researchers within our three divisions through their philanthropic support and by connecting directly with our scientists. Their contributions enable our scientists to channel their intellectual courage, talent, and entrepreneurial spirit to achieve the next big discovery. We are proud to recognize these bold and loyal donors who make supporting science among their top philanthropic values.
$100,000 to $999,999
Herbert A. Dropkin*
Stephen and Janelle Fodor
Virginia Johns
Gilbert and Karen Levin*
$10,000 to $99,999
Craig and Barbara Barrett
Sigrid Burton and Max Brennan
Cathy Colloff
Alice S. Coulombe
John Crawford
Melanie Cuellar
John P. de Neufville
Sally De Witt
Michael A. Duffy
Diane Greene and Mendel Rosenblum
Simon and Charlotte Harrison
Charles Bowditch Hunter
Thomas and Jessica Korzenecki
Douglas E. Koshland
Mer G. Laufenberg*
Michael T. Long
Julia Sever Lytle
John D. Macomber
Christine McCarthy and Michael McCormick
Nentcho Nentchev
Charles J. and Virginia E. Peterson
Ray and Meredith Rothrock
Laura and Carlton Seaver
Stephen Shectman
Jean and Sidney* Silber
Bharti Temkin
David and Catherine Thompson
Ian Thompson
Matthew Weitzman
Michael G. & C. Jane Wilson
What Our Donors Say
Other Individual Giving
$1,000 to $9,999
Anonymous (4)
Louis G. Arnold
Robert and Lynne Barker
Charlotte S. Barus
Philip Beachy and Katrin Andreasson
Richard and Kathleen Becker
Charles Bestor
Peter C. Brockett and Laureen B. Chang
Donald and Linda Brown
Albert S. Colman
Rita Colwell
Gary Conrad and Charlotte Streng
John Cross
William S. Dickey
Brack and Betty Duker
Samuel and Barbara Dyer
Jo Ann Eder
Sandra and Andrew Faber
Douglas M. Fambrough III
Eric J. Fearon
Oscar and Toby Fitzgerald
Marilyn L. Fogel* and Christopher W. Swarth
Stuart Gerson and Pamela Somers
Thomas and Josephine Greeley
David L. Greenewalt
Stanley R. Hart
William K. Hart
Tracy Hauri
Marc Hersh
Sandra Hess
Mark Holdsworth
Rush D. Holt and Margaret Lancefield
Toby M. Horn
Eric and Jill Hubbell
Eric Isaacs and Linda Goldwyn
Mary Jacobs
Theodore and Jacqueline Johnson
Peter Cooper Kellogg
Richard and Karen Kertzner
Bill Key
Paul* and Carolyn Kokulis
Richard and Lisa Kornblith
Sandra Krause and William Fitzgerald
Katherine N. Lapp
Brigitte D. Linz
Haozhe Liu
Tina Lyon
Michael J. MacDermott
Gary and Phoebe Mallard
James Mattingly and Judith Shure
Mary E. Maxon, PhD
Dennis McKearin and Rosemarie Rinn
Michael Miller
Michael B. Moran
Charles G. Myers
H. Richard Naslund
Dr. and Mrs. Armand P. Neukermans
George F. Ohrstrom
Farhan Panthaki
Ralph and Mary Perry
Dr. Jan Marie Aramini and Michael Pettersen
Sheldon and Debora Presser
Jeffery and Dana Puschell
Cary Queen
Aparajit Raghavan and Satyashree Srikanth
Benjamin E. Richter
Katherine Roman
Cristián Samper
Charles Schmitz
Frederick Schwarzenbach and Leslie Prussia
William and Glenna Shawn
David Singer and Diana Kapp
Paul So
Jordan Sorensen and Erik Lin-Greenberg
Randall Speck and Samantha Nolan
David N. Spergel
The Paul & Dottie Foundation
Rebecca Stecker
Michael Stein and Judy Rhinestine
Christopher Stone
Douglas K. Struck
Tetsuo Takanami
Michael W. Thacher and Rhonda L. Rundle
John R. Thomas, Ph.D.
The Thornton Foundation
Scott B. Tollefsen
Peter E. van Keken
Marshall Wais
Michael J. Walter
Alan Wang
Mark Welsh
Robert Williamson and Caryl McNeilly
Margaret D. Woodring
Robert and Roberta Young
Under $1,000
Anonymous (6)
George Abdo
Carmen Aguilar
Jagannadham and Lalita Akella
Donald J. Albers
Paul and Leigh Albert
Patricia Alireza and Ghassan Alireza
Larry Allen
Robert Alschuler
Jacqueline Apel
Joseph P. Ardizzi
John Arganian
Lawrence and Susan Artes
John and Michele Arthur
Arnold Ashcraft
Lynnette Asselin
Ulanda Aung
Andrew Avrick
Cheryl A. Bantz
Benjamin G. Barbin
Ann and Olin Barrett
Gerald Barton
William A. Bassett
Michelle Battle
Emile J. Bayle
Michael Bearfoot
Richard Beggs
Harvey E. Belkin
Leila Belkora
Lyndsay Benedict
Richard J. Bergemann and H. Christy Bergemann
L. Elizabeth Bertani
Anthony and Clare Binley
Henry C. Black
Charles F. Bolden, Jr.
Tom I. Bonner
Christian Borillo
Daniel H. Borinsky
Kurt R. Borski
Philip Bourdillon and Nancy Martin
Avery Boyce
Dody and Tommy Brager
Rossella Brevetti
Alison Brooks
Charles and Lucille Brown
William L. Bryan
Dale Burger
James E. Burke
Jerome Burstein
Donald M. Burt
Henry Butcher
Julee Butler
Michele Byrnes
Doug and Linda Cahill
John A.R. Caldwell
Kan Cao
Carol Laikin Carpenter
Francis S. Carr
Dana Carroll
Edward Celarier and Gail Yano
Kenneth M. Chick
Glenn Chinery
Ronald A. Chong
Ida Chow
Gregory Clark
Paul S. Clark
William Cleveland
Michael P. Cohen
John R. and Annette W. Coleman
Christine Collins and Dana Berliner
Dean Collins
David Conover
John and Bette Cooper
Richard and Margery Coppola
Edward Cornfeld
Ronald M. Costell
Janet Crampton
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Crotty
Martin Czigler
Stewart Allan Daniels, MD and Nancy Joy Daniels
Owen and Margo Davies
John E. Davis and Bonnie Freeman
Nicholas and Lynn Davis
Peter and Jacqueline Davis
Igor Dawid and Keiko Ozato
Carl and Judith Dawson
Benjamin Dayman
Ellen Dayton
Ken and Jacquelyn* de Graaf
Vannia De La Cuba
George Delahunty
Cristine del Amo
Wendy De Los Reyes
Campbell DeMallie and Katherine Van Sickle
David H. and Kunie F. DeVorkin
John F. Dilley
Matt Disen
Jeffrey L. Doering
Laura D. Dominguez
Scot Donato
Janice Dunlap
Richard Earley
Christopher Edwards
David H. Eggler
Seth and Marion Eisen
William and Judith Eisinger
Brice and Margaret Eldridge
Matthew Eldridge
Frank C. Eliot
Bennett Ellenbogen
Bryan and Phyllis Ellickson
Dylan Ellsworth
Charles P. Emerson, Jr.
Jay S. Epstein
Brian Eriksen and Carlos Muralles
Mark Evans
William B. Fagan
Ernest and Cynthia Falke
John E. Farhood
John D. Fassett
Gail Fisher
Scott J. Fitzgerald
Juan Carlos Flores
Carolina Flores-Helizon
Michael Flumian
Gary Fong
Katherine Fong
Robert and Carole Fontenrose
Margaret Forbes
John Fournelle
Michelle Fox
Laurence W. Fredrick
Linda R. Freeman
Richard and Cheryl Freeman
Bevan M. French
John D. Gaffey, Jr.
James C. Gaither
Rita Gaylin
William and Barbara Geffen
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Gelb
Mattia Gellera
Glen Gerada and Kathleen Burger
Richard Gerber
Thomas Gertmenian and Sally Barngrove
M. Charles Gilbert
Kirsten and Oliver Gildersleeve
Lawrence Giles
William and Gayle Glauz
Christopher R. Glein
Eitan Glinert and Laura Lacombe
Ken Globus
Gabriel Goldberg
Kenneth Golding
Paul Gramstad
Barbara Graves and Robert W. Schackmann
Bruce Green
Catherine Green
Michael V. Green
Frederick D. Greenewalt
John D. Greenhill
Annette Greer
Philip and Judith Grimley
John and Deborah Guest
Ryan Gutierrez
Herbert* and Liliane Haas
Dr. Denise Hagan and Grant Frederick
William and Dorothy Hagar
Catherine L. Haight
James T. Haight
Marylee H. Hair-Tinsley
Richard and Elizabeth Hallberg
Bret D. Hampton
Joseph Haney
Bradley Hanson and Rhett Judice
Richard Harps
David L. Harris
Lisa W. Harter
Shan Hays
Sandra Hayward
James D. Heinz
Julian Heller
Paul Henderson
John Hennigan
Brian and Yoshiko Henslee
George A. Herbert, Jr.
John and Ann Hess
Samuel K. and Barbara L. Himmelrich
William H. and Patricia G. Hohwiesner
Craig Holbrook
Kory Homuth
Julianna Horvath
Léo Houziaux
Edward Hurwitz
Neil Hurwitz
Robert Ihsen
Stefan Jaeger
Colonel Jack C. James, USMC (Ret.)
Eileen M. Janas
Beverly J. Johnson
Leonard Johnson and Martha Weiss
Peter and Mary Johnson
Sheila D. Jones
Anne Kallfisch
Kenneth J. Kallfisch
Darius and Carol Kanga
Peter and Jane Katona
John Keiser
Robert and Miriam Kellaway
Thomas and Ann Kelsall
Maria Kendall
John Kester and Katherine O'Kester
Marguerite J. Kingston
M.B. Kirkham
Jane Kluttz
Melanie Knutsen
David C. Koo
Kirk T. Korista
G. Gary Kowalczyk
Charles M. Kramer
Jonathan Kranz
Audrey S. Krause
Virginia B. Kriho
Danuta Krotoski
Tom Kuchenberg
Steven and Nancy L'Hernault
Ethel Laczko
Jon M. Landenburger
Roger Lang
Jorn Larsen-Basse
Robert and Marjorie Lawrence
Samuel A. and Mary M. Lawrence
Kurt Lawson and Jill Feasley
George Lazarus
Harold H. Lee
Matthew Lee
Stuart Lending
Jules M. Lerner
Alan E. Levin
Kathleen D. Lewis
George W. Liao
Jon Lindberg
Diane B. Link
Erik N. Littleton
Felix J. Lockman
Robert and Eileen Loeb
Gerald P. Lorentz
Christopher and Catherine Loretz
Glenn MacCullough
Alec Machiels and Sarah Bennison
Gary S. Madonna
Steven R. Majewski
Bernard M. Malloy
Kathleen A. Malone
Murli H. Manghnani
Stephen and Sally Maran
Gerard Marandino
Barbara C. Martin
Lani Martinez Sinfield
Mario and Nancy Bennett Mateo
James M. and Roxane Mattinson
Sally Mauerman
David Mauriello
Robert H. and Dorothy A. McCallister
Robert McClelland
Mary McComb
Dennis and Janet McCormick
Francis McCubbin
Jim McDermott and Cynthia Kurtz
Ann McElwain
Diane McLean
D. Joel and Mary Mellema
Pallavi Menon
Mark and Debbie Menzer
Natasha Metzler
Robert Meyer and Nancy Valentine
John J. Michels
Bruce Miller
Dennis F. Miller
Mary Miller
Stuart J. Miller
William G. Minarik
Richard M. Mitterer
David and Gloria Mog
Quadri D. Mogaji
Rosemary Monagan
John Moore
Joseph F. Moore
John Morrow
Robert A. Morse
John W. Mothersole
Gary G. Mrenak
Seanan Murphy
Bruce L. Murrie
Ralph H. Nafziger
Rodney and Pamela Nakamoto
Daniel Neal
Michael A. Newkirk and Olivia P. Garfield
Phillip and Sonia Newmark
Samuel T. Nicholson
Niels Nielsen
John Ray Nooncaster
Jeffrey B. Norman
Donald B. Novotny
Paul G. Nyhus
Michael and Carol Oberdorfer
Richard and Grace Obermann
David Odell
Augustus Oemler, Jr.
Kathie L. Olsen
Peter and Janyce Olsen
Mark F. Osborne
John H. and Roberta Overholt
Raymond and Bette Ann Page
Kristen Palumbo
Ben and Irene Pandit
Gary and Julie Pantiskas
Linda Parshall
Pratik Patel
Robert and Carol Pearcy
Niels M. Pedersen
Trish Peebles
George H. Pepper
Nicholas Perkins
John Petricciani
Marc and Brenda Pfeiffer
Eric Philburn
Stephen Pierce
Elizabeth A. Piotrowski
Emil Polisensky
Holly Pollinger
Barbara Elkus and Rodger Poore
John Price and Anne Shoemaker
David Proch
Karen J. Profet
Laura Puckett
Daniel W. Pugh
Sampath Ramaswami
Velimir Randic
R. P. Ranganayaki
Bryan Ranharter
Shirley Raps
J. Martin Ratliff and Carol A. Polanskey
Shirley A. Rawson
John Rectenwald and Elise Ambrose
Greg Redfern
Thorburn and Helen Reid
Frederick B. Reimer
Stephan and Dori Reissman
Seung Yon Rhee
Robert Riccio
Roslenn M. Richardson
Lisa Richter
Melinda Risolo
Harry and Grace Rissetto
Faye Rivkin
Don Roache
Ruth N. Robbins
Edward Robichaud
Susan Rodgers
Ingrid R. Rose
Suzanne and Irving Rosenthal
Anne Gorelick Rosenwald
Dr. Shirley M. Ross
Stuart Rubens and Laura Lewis
Tyler Rullman and Teresa Wilkerson
Raymond E. Ruth
Kristen Rutledge
Stuart Sacks
Lawrence E. Sager
Alexander Sandra
Charisse Santillan
Kenneth V. Saunders
Kathy Sawyer
Ted A. Scambos
Gerald Scheinman and Marsha Seidelman
Albert and Sandra Schlachtmeyer
Kevin C. Schlaufman
Christianne Schoedel and John Segal
Robert L. Schulte
François Schweizer
Jock Scott
Matthew P. Scott
Ross S. Selvidge
Brian Sesterhenn
Ralph G. Setian
Charles and Inez Sharp
Harlan and Beverly Sherwat
John Sheski
Billy J. Shilling
Carl Shoolman
Fred Shoup
Shaukat M. Siddiqi
Stephanie Sigala and James Rhodes
Martin Silfen
Randolph and Diane Sim
Sharon Simkin
Howard and Nancy Simms
Royale Simms
Mary Ellen Simon
Stephanie Smilay
Granville Smith
Robert C. Smith
David E. Snead
James Somers
Steven S. Spaulding
Allan Spradling and Edie Stern
Michael Starzak
William Staton
David Steffen and Susan Ohara
John L. Stiff
Lars Stixrude and Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni
Christopher Paul Stoppa
Neil and Leslie Straus
David Straw
Lucy Summers
Peter Tague and Rhea Smith
Wan-Ning Tan
Barbara M. Taylor
Colin Taylor
Leslie C. Taylor
William L. Taylor
Thomas M. Tekach
Richard E. Tenney, Jr.
Ralph and Roberta Terkowitz
Diane K. Teske
William Topper
Sally June Tracy and Matthew Graham
Martin Trees and Kristen Olson
Albert and Virginia Tucker
Joseph R. Harris and Cynthia Uleman
John Ulmer and Ann Marie Lee
Mark Uretsky and Marian Gordon
Del Uthman
Dhiru Vadodaria
Lesly Valentin
Robert S. Vance, Jr.
Anne M. Vaughan
Dr. David Velinsky and Dr. Susan Johntz
John Veselka
Katharine Villard
Daniel and Eloise Vitiello
Cynthia Wagner and Stephen Miller
Douglas and Ellen Wallis
Kelly Walters
Zhou Wang and Xiaoyan Cai
Dave Warner
Richard Wattis
Tom Wayne
Skyler Weaver
Bill Weimar
Alycia Weinberger and Todd Rosentover
Gloria Weissberg
Barbara A. Wenger
Judith M. White
William M. White
David G. Whittingham
Peter H. Wick
Ameliann Williams
James E. Williams
Matthew Williamson
Stewart and Margaret Wills
Adam Wilson
James W. Wolcott
Neal L. Wood
David and Julianne Worrell
David and Ingrid Wrausmann
Roy Wyscarver and Ann Bryant
Henry A. Yost
Richard S. Young and Bonnie M. Beamer
Alessandro Zanello and Maria Elena Gutierrez
Robert A. Zarzar
Matt and Kelly Zehnder
Elizabeth Anne Zimmer
Timothy A. Zimmerlin
Foundations and Corporations
$100,000 to $999,999
The Ahmanson Foundation*
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
The Brinson Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research
Mt. Cuba Astronomical Foundation
$10,000 to $99,999
The Abell Foundation, Inc.
Carnegie Institution of Canada
John Templeton Foundation
Joy in Blue Foundation
The Kavli Foundation
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation
The McMurtry Family Foundation
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
Richard W. Higgins Charitable Foundation
The Walt Disney Company Foundation
$500 to $9,999
Champion Technology Services
Dick Family Trust
Kramer Family Foundation
Society for Developmental Biology
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation
Gifts In Honor and In Memoriam
In Memory of Dr. L. Thomas Aldrich
Stanley R. Hart
In Honor of Dr. Carol Alexander
Scott J. Fitzgerald
In Memory of Mr. Walter Bantz
Cheryl A. Bantz
In Honor of Dr. Joseph Berry
Lawrence Giles
In Memory of Judith Berliner
Christine Collins and Dana Berliner
In Honor of Dr. Guillermo Blanc
Robert Alschuler
In Memory of Ms. Arsenia Bisquera Borillo
Christian Borillo
In Memory of Dr. Winslow Briggs
John Cross
William and Judith Eisinger
Seung Yon Rhee
In Honor of Dr. Donald Brown
Charles P. Emerson, Jr.
Richard and Elizabeth Hallberg
John and Sally Heyn
Samuel K. and Barbara L. Himmelrich
In Memory of Dr. Louis Brown
Louis G. Arnold
In Honor of Ms. Valerie Butler
Sandra Hess
In Memory of Dr. Lauren Colloff
Melinda Risolo
In Memory of Dr. Gordon Davis
Harvey E. Belkin
In Honor of Dr. Igor Dawid
Richard and Elizabeth Hallberg
In Memory of Dr. John M. Dick
Jane M. Dick
In Memory of Ms. Collette Ellsworth
Dylan Ellsworth
In Honor of Dr. Douglas McIntosh Fambrough, Jr.
Douglas M. Fambrough III
In Memory of Dr. Marilyn Fogel
Carmen Aguilar
Beverly J. Johnson
Dr. David Velinsky and Dr. Susan Johntz
Alycia Weinberger and Todd Rosentover
In Honor of Dr. Joseph Gall
Robert and Eileen Loeb
In Honor of Dr. Peter Gao
Hao Zhang
In Memory of Mr. Michael E. Gellert
Alec Machiels and Sarah Bennison
In Honor of James T. Haight
Catherine L. Haight
In Memory of Dr. Erik H. Hauri
Tracy Hauri
William G. Minarik
In Honor of Dr. Robert and Mrs. Margaret Hazen
Fred Shoup
In Memory of Dr. Edwin Hubble
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Crotty
In Memory of Mr. Terrone Jasper
Ida Chow
Quadri Mogaji
Faye Rivkin
In Memory of Mr. Matthew Johns
Ronald A. Chong
In Memory of Mr. Ferenc Laczko
Ethel Laczko
In Memory of Mr. Donald McClelland
Karen J. Profet
In Memory of Dr. Paul W. Merrill
Léo Houziaux
In Memory of Germaine Mirzaoff
Janice Dunlap
In Memory of Ms. Marilyn Morgan
Larry Allen
In Honor of Dr. John Mulchaey
Ann and Olin Barrett
Sigrid Burton and Max Brennan
Richard and Lisa Kornblith
In Honor of Dr. Emily Osborne
Mark F. Osborne
In Honor of Dr. Karine Prado
Robert Alschuler
In Memory of MR. David Martin Richman
Linda R. Freeman
In Honor of Dr. Diana Roman
Katherine Roman
In Memory of Dr. Vera Rubin
David C. Koo
George H. Pepper
In Memory of Dr. Allan Sandage
Léo Houziaux
Steven R. Majewski
In Honor of Mr. Matthew Shull
Vickie Watson
In Honor of Dr. Maxine Singer
David Singer and Diana Kapp
In Memory of Mr. John G. Stoppa
Christopher Paul Stoppa
In Honor of Dr. Johanna K. Teske
Diane K. Teske
In Memory of Mr. Peter Ault Tinsley
Marylee H. Hair-Tinsley
In Honor of Dr. Ray Weymann
Kirk T. Korista
In Memory of Lieutenant Colonel F. P. Woodson
Richard and Karen Kertzner
In Honor of Mr. Bo Xue
Robert Alschuler
In Memory of Dr. Hatten S. Yoder
H. Richard Naslund
In Honor of Dr. Yixian Zheng
Kan Cao
Marc Hersh